Drilling Services

Drilling Services

Piling Shoreline ,  Driven piles, precast   concrete driving, Bored piles and water bore hole drilling services.

In modern civil engineering, piles of timber, steel, or concrete are driven into the ground to support a structure; bridge piers may be supported on groups of large-diameter piles. On unstable soils, piles are indispensable building supports and may also be used on stable ground when exceptionally large structural loads are involved. Piles are driven into the ground by pile drivers, machines consisting usually of a high frame with appliances for raising and dropping a pile hammer or for supporting and guiding a stream or air hammer.

Driven Piles

Driven piles are deep foundation elements driven to a design depth or resistance. If penetration of dense soil is required, predrilling may be required for the pile to penetrate to the design depth. Types include timber, pre-cast concrete, steel H-piles, and pipe piles. The finished foundation element resists compressive, uplift and lateral loads. The technique has been used to support buildings, tanks, towers and bridges.

Driven piles can also be used to provide lateral support for earth retention walls. Steel sheet piles and soldier piles are the most common type of driven piles for this application.

Contact your local Pile Tech for more information.

Drilling Services
Helium Estate

Our Services

  • +234 803 337 3889
    +234 909 863 9863
  • info@piletechltd.com
  • 1B Abimbola Awoniyi Close, V.I, Lagos

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